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Juliet, Naked

Juliet, Naked

A Nick Hornsby novel adaptation that approaches its subject matter of “wasted years” with wit and charm, but lacks some of the polish of his other adaptations.

Mr. Mom

Mr. Mom

About one step in quality higher than a made for TV movie.

Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

In this movie Fred Astaire is to musical comedy what Jackie Chan is to action comedy.

The Lady Eve

The Lady Eve

A fun subversion of the screwball comedy but not the top shelf rom-com its reputation would have you believe.

Being There

Being There

This Hal Ashby classic is, for my money, not nearly as clever as it, or other critics, seem to think it is.



While it isn’t likely to snag any Oscars or climb the ranks of any all time great sports movie lists, this love letter to basketball is well worth a watch.

Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk

This romantic comedy classic has aged somewhat poorly; while the comedy still works, the romance has lost a lot of its luster.

City Lights

City Lights

Consistently OK reads as surprisingly underwhelming when it is this critically adored titan of the silent era.